
Galventa stands for galenic innovation. Our mission is to improve the efficacy of food supplements and OTC-products through better formulations and clinical validation.

In particular the nutraceutical space has offered little galenic innovation and most products are not designed to provide best-in-class consumer experience and efficacy. Galventa designs delivery technologies that deliver on their promise: Addressing the temporal availability of the right dose, our delivery technologies deliver the right amount of the active substance at the right point in time to maximise its benefits.

Get to know the team

Portrait showing Sascha Fritsche
Portrait showing Firat Yerlikaya

Dario Dornbierer

Co founder & CSO
Portrait showing Dario Dornbierer
Portrait Idil Banoglu

Gabriel Lennartsson

Growth Manager
Portrait showing Michael Müller

Michael Bavand

Product Portfolio Advisor
Portrait showing Michael Bavand

Our advisory board

Levi Young Portrait

Dr. phil II Pasqualine Gallachi

Owner Pharma Distribution Switzerland
Portrait from Dr. phil II Pasqualine Gallacchi
Portrait from Fabian Vaucher

Prof. Dr. Marc Linzmayer

Deputy Director Consumer Management HSG
Portrait showing Dr. Marc Linzmajer

Bastian Heer

Advisor Digital Marketing
Portrait showing Bastian Heer